After building a bespoke garden planter and removing an old rotten one made of sleepers, it left a gaping hole in the existing patio. Ideally everyone would like to replace the entire patio but when you’re on a budget that is not always an option, and that was the case here.
We used some reclaimed materials that were obtained by our customer for free and only had to purchase a few slabs, sharp sand and the concrete slab base mix. This job was not without its problems, like the discovery of a small concrete slab just under the surface that we had to carefully break up as it was next to a drainage cover.
We removed around 24 rubble sacks worth of soil and stones to achieve a suitable depth for the slab base to be laid, but I think you’ll agree considering the tight budget and the use of reclaimed materials it turned out pretty good…
Just have to find something suitable to cover the drain cover with now!
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