Kitchen Worktop Refresh

Kitchen Worktop Refresh

Is your kitchen looking a little tired? It is amazing what a difference a new worktop can make for a quick and low-cost facelift, even more satisfying when the new worktop was gained from a kindly neighbour for free! All we had to do was, remove the old worktop, check...
New Solid Pine Door

New Solid Pine Door

As you can see from the photo below this old hollow board bathroom door had seen many a better day, our customer wanted it replaced with a solid pine door as well as shiny new fittings. We were more than happy to oblige, in fact, the original brief was to undercoat...
New Bespoke Garden Planters

New Bespoke Garden Planters

A couple of years ago this customer had to wrap these old rotten sleepers in steel banding to hold them together, but eventually even that did not hold up to the great British weather and the time came to replace them. After pricing up replacement railway sleepers...
Architrave Repair

Architrave Repair

Looks pretty rough, doesn’t it… The landlord of this property wanted this sorted out before the new tenants moved in and we were more than happy to oblige. Firstly we removed any loose splinters, plaster and paintwork and then we securely fixed the...